Thursday, August 20, 2009

Montessori School Logo and vacation!

Wow, I've been super busy recently!! Back from vacation and trying to keep up and catch up with all the pieces. I've gotten the business cards printed and while I was away they arrived--and look great!

Since I've been home I landed a client located just outside of Chicago. It's a Montessori School and Institute looking to update their logo. They already had a pretty good sense of what they were looking for and wanted to someone to punch it up a bit and put some professional touches to it. The logo was inspired by an instrument students in Montessori schools use in their math classes, called a Table of Pythagoras. One version of the logo will be Red for the Institute and one will be blue for the School. Stay tuned to see the final result!

On another note, vacation was amazing!! It was the perfect week in N. Myrtle Beach, SC. It was sunny all week and H - O - T!! Every morning we would wake up for breakfast then play on the beach (I mostly read on the of my favorite things to do at the beach!) until 3 or 4 then head back and visit the pool for a while. Then dinner and fun at night!! I will post some pictures when I get a chance to upload them to my computer.

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